This page represents the types of components/subsystems that SRFS, LLC has experience developing, or has developed for other customers. To date 100% of SRFS, LLC's work has come in the form of contract consulting work to develop functional prototypes for customers who then take these developed designs to produce on their own. As a result SRFS, LLC is not able to put out much information regarding these systems due to NDA's with these customers.
However, SRFS, LLC also looks ahead to opportunities to develop their own catalog of parts that can serve the industry.
Phase Locked Oscillators/Synthesizers
Single frequency
PLO-840M-EXT10M-P20DBM, 840MHz single frequency PLL with +20dBm MIN output power
Synthesizers with down to 1Hz resolution
Contract - L Band BIT Synthesizer, 1MHz steps
Low phase noise
Low spurious and harmonics
High outpower power options
Low Noise
High Power (CW or Pulsed, Future growth towards linearization)
Low Phase Noise
Discrete and/or MMIC based
Surface Mount or connectorized
Lumped element
Ceramic Resonator
BPF-1400-1427-1338p540-1488p540 in development, 1400-1427MHz Ceramic Resonator BPF, 40dBc at
<=1338.5MHz and >=1488.5MHz
BPF-2500-2520-238057-264057 in development, 2500-2520MHz Ceramic Resonator BPF, 57dBc at
<=2380MHz and >=2640MHz
% BW down to 1%
Surface mount, wire bond, connectorized
RF Passive
Power Dividers
90 deg hybrid couplers
Gain equalizers
Ku Band up/downconverter for SATCOM application, 1W linear output upconverter - did not complete due
to customer declaring bankruptcy, but bare PCB made
Troubleshoot/repair upconverter with high power amp for video transmission, 64QAM need
Switched filter banks, amplified or not
T/R modules
Anything from bits to RF or RF to bits - Front ends, ADC/DAC interfacing
30-6000MHz RF Front End for SDR using AI